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Data Flow in React

Mastering Data Sharing and Flow in React

Type of sharing ​

Data (props, state)

Pass data down (props) or manage it locally (state) within components.

Events / Functions

Trigger actions in response to user interactions (often child to parent).

Level Of sharing ​

Parent component to Child​ component

Pass data down the component tree (parent to child). Simple but can become cumbersome for deeply nested components.

Child component to Parent​ component​

Events (often triggered by user interaction)

Global / Scope Level sharing between unrelated components​

Share data across non-parent-child relationships without prop drilling. Ideal for global or semi-global data.

Different Ways of Sharing


Pass data down the component tree (parent to child). Simple but can become cumbersome for deeply nested components.


Manage data within a component. Great for local data, but complex state management in large apps.

Context API

Share data across non-parent-child relationships without prop drilling. Ideal for global or semi-global data.


Centralized state management library for complex applications with predictable data flow.

Local Storage

Persist data beyond component lifecycles (browser storage). Use for user preferences or persistent data.


Functional component equivalents of state, context, and memoization. Hooks provide a modern way to manage data and optimize performance in functional components. (useState, useContext, useMemo):

Start up : Case Studies

Tyunami – Music Collaboration Platform

“They had the empathy to understand the needs of a startup and approach our engagement with tremendous maturity.”
"Vikas Tandon"